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Teduglutide Teduglutide





Teduglutide (API) to accelerate Loose bowl syndrome therapy


  • Teduglutide (brand names Gattex in the US and Revestive in Europe) is a 33-amino acid polypeptide and a glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analog that is used for the treatment of short bowel syndrome.
  • It works by improving the absorption of fluids and nutrients in the intestines, hence used for patients who need additional nutrition or fluids from intravenous (IV) therapy.
  • Our technology on Teduglutide would benefit many pharma majors to decrease their cost and time of peptide production.

Salient features Lorven’s Teduglutide

  • Application ready Teduglutide Biosimilar
  • High pure (96%), available at an economical price
  • Expressed in E. coli expression system
  • Yields up to gm/lit/hour
  • Significantly reduced production cost and time

Product Quality

  • 100% native confirmation
  • Functionally active peptide
  • Efficacy matches with the innovator reference drug
  • Free from animal-derived components


E. coli: Genetically highly amenable host organism with BSL-1 maintenance.

Intellectual Property

Patent Application under process. Title: Process for improved expression of biologically active Teduglutide in E. coli expression system by strain engineering.

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